Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sketch up Room with pool

Exit Interview - January 2019

1. Comment about your work ethic in this course. 
I believe that I could've worked a lot harder than I showed. the problem is that I easily get distracted by other and what they're doing. I can get work done and I believe that i put effort into projects but like I said I get easily distracted, so its not my best work 

2. Which assignments did you enjoy and why? 
I enjoyed the Adobe projects (Photoshop and Premier Pro) because it expanded my knowledge of those things. the premier pro video experience actually helped me recently in a Bio project to make my own video and handing it in. I liked the Minecraft project because we had lots of time to do it and had freedom in what to do. Sketchup was also a really cool thing to use, making houses and offices and learning what 3D modeling can be used for.
Playing Raft was a mixed experienced, it was difficult for me because we had to work 24/7 ( and that's apparently a problem for me), but playing the game itself was really fun. another thing I liked was dynamic systems 

3. Which assignments did you struggle with and why?
The assignments that i struggled the most was Thunkable, because i didn't have a phone at the time to easily do the projects, so it was done through a android simulator on the computers. That was really the only thing that was problematic for me 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Game Journalism Day 4 - Upgrades

These are my five upgrades

   Old axe
 Item 1: Axe
-What does it do better?
durability is better 

-What's the difference?
lasts longer 

-How does this help?
saves resources, lets me get more wood
New axe
-Why did you do it?
tired of making lots of axes

-Was it worth it - why?
for me it was because i'm low on resources and having on that lasts longer is great

Small crop plot
  Item 2: crop plot
-What does it do better?
grow bigger plants like full-on trees

-What's the difference?
grows less plants, but bigger plants

-How does this help?
can now grow trees which can get you wood and other things depending on the tree
Large crop plot
-Why did you do it?
needed wood

-Was it worth it - why?
it was because its another source of

 small storage on the right         large on the left

    Item 3: storage
 -What does it do better?
 Holds more

-What's the difference?
 takes up more room

-How does this help?
Lets me store more resources for crafting

 -Why did you do it?
 to keep more resources

-Was it worth it - why?
absolutely, storing more things is essential 

Item 4: fishing rod
-What does it do better?
 Catches better fish

-What's the difference?
Lasts longer
-How does this help?
better food, bigger fish have lots
more food on them

-Why did you do it?
get better food 

-Was it worth it - why?

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

If I were to start over, the first 10 steps would be...

1.collect as much debris as possible ( barrels too )

2.make a cup for water
3.make a water purifier
4.make a grill
5.cook food that you hopefully got from barrels ( if not... )
6.make a fishing rod to get more food

7.make a spear to fend off the shark attacks
8.make a research table
9.expand your raft 
10.put things in your research table to make even more things

What is the best tool to make for survival?

anchor, i believe because if you cant stop at islands, you'll have a hard time advancing, and the anchor is the only reliable way of stopping

My current raft looks like this:

Monday, January 14, 2019

1. What NEW things did you build today? 

i built a medium dirt bed for growing newly found watermelons, and what we are calling siege weapons; they're wooden ramps that are about 6 stories tall for getting to the tops of islands
2. How will these NEW things help you play the game (TIPS&TRICKS)?

These new things will help for looting islands and growing what i found
3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?

Trying to get more wood, plastic, and palm leaves as i have a shortage of that
4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) 
Explain why you built the raft the way you did.

I built the raft like this for attacking islands to get more loot, primarily

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Game Journalism Play 2

1. What specifically did you do today?

  my goal for today was make as much progress as possible specifically in being able to explore other rafts and islands. i built a sail to traverse faster, and my plan was to crash into another raft, and it push mine so they would stay together, DON'T DO THIS. My boat ended up glitching out and was pushed very far away, and i died with all my things on me because once you loot the other rafts, they sink

2. What did you learn about how to play the game?
  -Don't crash into other raft's
  -Use an ANCHOR unlike me to stop your boat in place, i theorize if you get in-front of a raft and stop via the anchor, it will stop both yours and the other raft, of course if its against the current
  -If your dying and are in a safe area that you can get back to, drop your items, so when you re-spawn, you will still have them

3. What strategies are you going to try to focus on tomorrow?

I will learn how to build more, as i've just experimented with vertical building. i will also try to find a better way to stop and loot islands and rafts. 

4. Add a picture of your raft. (include a caption) Explain what you have done to your raft and WHY.

I added the top floor for the sail, and a research table

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Game Journalism Day 1 - Basics

Raft is a survival game based on a floating raft. the goal is to collect resource and build things such as cooking stations, tools, and pieces for your raft.you will be stranded in the ocean and see floating debris, islands, and other floating rafts.the three main components that you will find early on are wood, plastic, and palm leaves, although they're are many more to be found and crafted.

They're are two ways to collect debris:

Using your hook, aim for items and hook on to them, the reel it in and 
get your reward

Or wait for items to float to you and press E to pick it up, this is smart because your hook
has a durability to it and will break

My raft ended up with a decent amount of progress done to it:

You can see a ladder for building upwards, a wall, a fire for cooking food, a water purifier behind it, and a dirt bed for growing plants ( i chose potatoes to grow ) 

They're are a variety of debris to collect Debris, the things you will find in the ocean are varying pieces of plastic like water jugs, and plastic containers, which both provide one plastic each. There is wooden planks, and although i personally haven't gone on an island, you can make an axe, so you could most likely cut trees down for wood. and palm leaves come in either one leaf or a bundle of three

Shark attacks are really common, a shark is following you basically 24/7, and will begin to bite your raft until the one platform is destroyed

Minecraft Video and slideshow